Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The role of the women and the man today

   In the past the roles of the woman and the man were totally restricted, for example, in the nineteenth century, had exclusive work for women like cooking, cleaning the house, raising children and also had things only for man like the army, be a cop, cultivate, think of it almost all the things were only for the men,but eventually the things has changed today the oportunities for the woman are many more than before, for example now the woman's can be almost anything they want to be, in our days we have female doctors, teachers, bus drivers, scientists, etc.

     But if we watch it for a more objective point of view, we still have a lot of work to do for finally get total equality between the two sex, maybe the things to men and women can do are the same, but there are another problems like the salary inequality, the sex discrimination in some jobs

         If we compare us with the first world countries (as we usualy do it) we have a long way to go ¿how we can get there? First of all is teach to the childrens that men's and woman's have the same rights, only changing the way of thought of our comunity we can make a real change, maybe the laws and the norms are important, but for give it a real meaning, we have to act from the inside and not because the law says that we have to do it. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My favorite piece of technology is...

For me a gadget isn't a important thing, aren't  indispensable in my life,but i have a couple of things in my favorite ones, isn't a large list, they are maybe two or three, but if i have to choose one, this will be my mp3 player. When i go out i alwyas carry my music in it because a life without music isn't a full life, i can spend one day without listen a song. 

I got it from few years and in dispite it's old never fail. I use it every day in the bus when i travel to the university and as i spend almost a hour in the travel, the music is a great partner in it.

Imagine that: when you wake up in the morning and your eyes shutting down themself, then you go to take the bus, the bus is full of people, all have sad faces, then you turn up de music, increase volume and make anyone and everything disapear, just you and that song you like, you can feel how the music give you energy and change your mood. For my that's just essentials, maybe if i don't have a mp3 player i'll start sing in the bus with a guitar, but if someday i don't have the posibility of listen music, that day i'll get crazy.